Kindly make sure you contact us before booking, with design requirements and vehicle details.
This service does not include the graphics cost, the price of the graphics requested will be shared before printing. To have an average estimate on our prices, kindly check the similar products available at our store.
The service duration is 2 hrs, any additional time needed will be charged at 20 KD / Hour.
We will only design one idea, as agreed before starting. If more than one design is needed, we will charge for the extra work.
Once the service has started, the design fee is non-refundable.
Your custom design will be saved for a period of 1 year, and within this period no other customer can request it without your approval. After 1 year we reserve the right to sell it at our website.
We will not accept any order to copy other designer's work, our service is available to be professional and creative. Inspiration and ideas can be used from pictures and other graphics, but copying is strictly unacceptable.